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Topic : JAVA


45 Days


Bhanu Prakash


15 Days

Java Syllabus

  • Introduction to java
  • JDK installation
  • Keywords,
  • Identifiers
  • Data types
  • Variables and Arrays
  • Widening and Narrowing
  • Operators
  • Control Statements
  • Conditional-if switch
  • Looping-for while do while for each
  • Control Transfer break co
  • User Defined Classes                  
  • Object creation
  • Reference variable
  • Global variables
  • Static and non static  
  • Primitive and non primitive
  • Final and non final
  • Constructors
  • Static block 
  • Non static block
  • Static and non static methods
  • Method Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Package
  • Access Modifiers
  • Method overriding
  • Polymorphism 
  • Abstraction 
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • Typecasting
  • Encapsulation
  • String, String Buffer
  • Exception Handling
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Java Collections

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is widely used for developing mobile applications, web applications, and enterprise software, and is known for its security, portability, and scalability.


Java course is a training program that teaches individuals the fundamentals of the Java programming language. The course covers topics such as object-oriented programming, data types, control structures, arrays, methods, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, and input/output. It also include practical exercises, case studies, and assignments to provide hands-on experience in working with Java. Upon completion of the course, individuals will have a better understanding of Java programming language. They will also have the skills to build Test Automation Scripts.



35 Days


Bhanu Prakash


15 Days

Selenium Syllabus

  • What is Automation Testing?
  • When we Switch to Automation Testing?
  • Why Automation testing?
  • Advantages &  Disadvantages 
  • Automation Testing Tools
  • What is Selenium?
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • Java-Selenium Architecture
  • Basic Selenium Program
  • Runtime Polymorphism Program in Selenium
  • WebDriver Functions
  • Locators
  • Xpath, its Types and cases
  • WebElement Functions
  • Check points
  • Handling Multiple Elements
  • Handling Synchronization 
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Custom wait
  • Blind wait
  • Handling Dropdown (static and dynamic)
  • Handling Keyboard and Mouse Actions
  • Taking Screenshot
  • Handling Disabled Element
  • Performing Scroll down Action
  • Handling Popups (web-based and Window-based)
  • Handling Frames
  • Handling New Windows/New Tabs
  • Encapsulation in Selenium
  • Creating Test Class
  • Stages and Types of Framework
  • POM (Page Object Model)
  • Handling Excel 
  • TestNG
  • TestNG Annotations
  • Reporting
  • TestNG Suite
  • Assertion
  • Grouping 
  • DataProvider
  • Parallel Execution
  • Maven
  • GitHub 
  • Jenkins
  • Hybrid Framework
  • Designing Framework
  • Hybrid Framework Architecture
  • Framework implementation
  • Framework execution

Selenium is an open-source testing framework that is used to automate browser-based applications. It provides a suite of tools for web application testing across various browsers and platforms and supports a range of programming languages, including Java, Python, and C#. Selenium is widely used in the software industry to ensure the quality of web applications.


A Selenium course is a training program that teaches individuals the skills and knowledge required to automate browser-based applications using the Selenium testing framework. The course covers topics such as setting up a Selenium environment, writing test scripts using Selenium WebDriver, test automation frameworks, test case design, test execution, and reporting. It may also include practical exercises, case studies, and assignments to provide hands-on experience in working with Selenium. Upon completion of the course, individuals will have a better understanding of how to automate web application testing, reduce manual effort, and ensure the quality of web applications using Selenium. They will also have the skills to integrate Selenium into continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

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